Friday, February 17, 2012

December 6, 2011 MTC

Hello family and friends!!

I hope all is well with you! Well I am just starting to wind down till I leave to Chile. Only four weeks now! Pretty exciting stuff. I like the MTC but not the same exact day in the same exact classroom all day. But I am very thankful for the experience. I am learning a lot and starting tomorrow I am only speaking Spanish. Muy deficel!!! Pero yo agrdecido por la ouprotunidad. I can’t wait for the day when I get to start teaching and working in the real world.

I had an experience I would like to share with you all. So here in the MTC your teachers pretend to be someone else and you teach them as if they were real investigators. So this investigators name is Filipe. He had committed to baptism and was doing really well. Then we received a letter from his wife who is a member that he came home very drunk and made his family upset. So the next appointment me and my comp knocked on the door and he answered and said hung over and that he could not have us teach him that day. He was very sad and upset with himself and felt like God could not forgive him now. And of course we told him he was wrong. Then, the most crazy thing happened. My companion and I felt an overwhelming feeling of compassion. It is not like anything else I have ever felt in my life. The spirit overcame us. And even though it technically was not a real investigator we didn’t even think about that at that time. He was real to us in that moment because God was trying to show us the love he had for his children and that is why it felt like that to us. We literally felt the love of God and the compassion of Jesus Christ. We both left that appointment in awe - because it was real.

Everyone: I know that Jesus Christ lives. I have literally felt his love for each and every one of you. I promise you he lives and that he will come again. Please live worthy of his spirit because when you feel God’s love you just know. You know that all the effort into reading the scriptures praying and your callings at church are all worth it. I want to testify as a messenger of Jesus Christ that he lives and loves you. Remember that.

Any way I love you all and hope you are all doing very well in life. I love you all!!
-Elder Buttefield

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